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Scientist profile
Vivian V. Franca
São Paulo State University
Country of affiliation
Gender Information
Academic qualification
- Associate Professor
Type of research
Currently in
Key-words for research
entanglement measures, quantum phase transitions, strongly correlated systems, Mott-Anderson Physics, disordered systems, superlattices, Hubbard model, Density Functional Theory (DFT), harmonical confinement, superfluids, FFLO superfluids
Professional experience
Hiring committees, Thesis evaluation committees, Student supervision, Teaching, Events organisations, Fundraising, Science communication, Diversity and Inclusion work, Leadership and Management, Peer review (journals and conference proceedings), Editorial experience, Membership of professional organizations, Other (see next question),

Additional information

Vivian França is a physicist working as an associate professor (MS5.3) at São Paulo State University, in Araraquara. She works in fundamental (quantum mechanics, quantum information and density functional theory) and applied research (nanostructures, cold atoms and strongly correlated systems). She is coordinator of the Professional Master's Program in Chemistry on a National Network (PROFQUI)-Polo UNESP, and accredited as a supervisor in the Postgraduate Program in Chemistry at the Institute of Chemistry at UNESP in the area of Nanomaterials and Nanostructures. In total, she has supervised 48 projects for 38 students. She is a member of the Editorial Board of Scientific Reports Journal, part of the Nature group. She is the creator and coordinator of two cycles of events: International Workshop, "Density Functional Theory meets Quantum Information Theory" and "Women in Science" at IQ-UNESP.
Research highlights
arXiv:2402.12463, "Quantum phase transitions in one-dimensional nanostructures: a comparison between DFT and DMRG methodologies", Density Functional Theory (DFT) and Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG) have emerged as two powerful computational methods for addressing electronic correlation effects in diverse molecular systems. We compare ground-state energies , density profiles and average entanglement entropies in metals, insulators and at the transition from metal to insulator, in homogeneous, superlattices and harmonically confined chains described by the fermionic one-dimensional Hubbard model.
arXiv:2202.01557, "Effects of Temperature and Magnetization on the Mott-Anderson Physics in one-dimensional Disordered Systems", We investigate the Mott-Anderson physics in interacting disordered one-dimensional chains through the average single-site entanglement quantified by the linear entropy, which is obtained via density-functional theory calculations. We show that the minimum disorder strength required to the so-called full Anderson localization − characterized by the real-space localization of pairs − is strongly dependent on the interaction regime. The degree of localization is found to be intrinsically related to the interplay between the correlations and the disorder potential. In magnetized systems, the minimum entanglement characteristic of the full Anderson localization is split into two, one for each of the spin species. We show that although all types of localization eventually disappear with increasing temperature, the full Anderson localization persists for higher temperatures than the Mott-like localization.
arXiv:2003.08148, "Linear mapping between magnetic susceptibility and entanglement in conventional and exotic one-dimensional superfluids", We investigate the mapping between magnetic susceptibility and entanglement in the metallic, insulating, conventional and exotic polarized superfluid phases of one-dimensional fermionic lattice systems as described by the Hubbard model. Motivated by recent proposals for determining and quantifying entanglement via magnetic susceptibility measurements, we numerically study the intrinsic relationship between the two quantities at zero temperature. We find signatures of the metal-insulator transition and of the BCS-BEC crossover, but the most relevant result is that for conventional and exotic superfluids the mapping between magnetic susceptibility and entanglement is surprisingly simple: inversely proportional. This linear behavior could be exploited to quantify entanglement in current cold-atoms and condensed-matter experiments.