Scientist profile
Flaminia Giacomini

ETH Zurich
Country of affiliation
Gender Information
Academic qualification
Doctoral degree
Type of research
Currently in
Key-words for research
nonclassical spacetime, quantum reference frames, indefinite causality, gravitating quantum systems
You can find me here
Personal/work webpage
Google Scholar
Professional experience
Student supervision,
Events organisations,
Diversity and Inclusion work,
Leadership and Management,
Peer review (journals and conference proceedings),
What brought you to quantum science and what keeps you aorund?
I was always fascinated by fundamental questions about nature. When I chose a university degree, it seemed to me that studying physics would allow me to ask these questions with a solid mathematical framework. Working on the foundations of physics was then a natural choice.
I am driven by curiosity; one of the nicest parts of a research project for me is when I am finally able to translate a conceptual question into a calculation.
Finally, one of the aspects of research that motivates me is the presence of a community of different people who are interested in similar questions.
What advice would you give to a young scientist?
Life in research is unpredictable in every possible way. Working on a topic that is important to you is the best way to be a good researcher. Be open about your difficulties with people you trust: many of us go through the same stressful experiences, and you will find more help than you think!
Favourite open questions
Everything related to the interface between gravity and quantum!