Scientist profile
Alexia Auffeves

Country of affiliation
Academic qualification
Doctoral degree
Type of research
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Additional information
Interdisciplinarity lies at the core of my scientific carrier. As an undergraduate I have completed a degree in philosophy and this is what attracted me in quantum physics. This led me to do experiments on quantum foundations, and later on to work with philosophers on quantum reality. It is for this reason I was approached to coordinate the build up of the interdisciplinary Grenoble quantum centre in France. Now I am working on relating fundamental research and industry within a new research line dedicated to the resource cost of quantum technologies - and the pattern is the same. Connecting areas of knowledge to define new languages, new questions and roadmaps.
Additional information
Interdisciplinarity lies at the core of my scientific carrier. As an undergraduate I have completed a degree in philosophy and this is what attracted me in quantum physics. This led me to do experiments on quantum foundations, and later on to work with philosophers on quantum reality. It is for this reason I was approached to coordinate the build up of the interdisciplinary Grenoble quantum centre in France. Now I am working on relating fundamental research and industry within a new research line dedicated to the resource cost of quantum technologies - and the pattern is the same. Connecting areas of knowledge to define new languages, new questions and roadmaps.
Research highlights
arXiv:2007.03239 ,A two-qubit engine fueled by entangling operations and local measurements: an example of measurement-powered engine, where the fuel of the engine comes from the mere fact the working medium is looked at.
arXiv:2111.09241 , Quantum technologies need a Quantum Energy Initiative: a documented call to create an interdisciplinary research line about the physical resource cost of quantum technologies. Gave rise to the quantum energy initiative ( I co-funded
arXiv:1804.04807, What is quantum in quantum randomness? This work is related to the CSM interpretation I worked on. We show how quantum randomness is a necessary consequence of contextuality and quantization.
What advice would you give to a young scientist?
Follow your intuition, it is your best compass.